Page 3 - The Jewish Agency's Loan Fund
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         The goals of The Jewish Agency Loan Funds include:
         •  Strengthening Israeli society

         •  Narrowing socio-economic gaps and uplifting vulnerable populations
         •  Encouraging the creation of new small and medium-size businesses

         •  Expanding the activity of existing businesses by upgrading their technology and operations
         •  Creating jobs, reducing unemployment, and stimulating economic growth
         •  Improving quality of life for residents of Israel’s social and geographic peripheries
         •  Building pride and a sense of personal investment in Israel for Jewish communities worldwide

         •  Supporting and strengthening existing businesses in times of economic or security-related distress

         The Jewish Agency brings vast experience to the fields of community-building, leadership training, uplifting of
         vulnerable Jewish communities, and the building of Israel.

         The Jewish Agency’s agreements with the banks allow us to leverage donations to seven times their value: every dollar
         contributed makes possible a loan of seven dollars. The loan amounts vary from 50,000 to 350,000 NIS ($13,000 -
         $90,000), and average at about 165,000 NIS ($42,500).
         Compared to those of other loan funds, The Jewish Agency’s loan approval process is simple and quick. Additionally,
         the business owner is guided throughout the process by a loan fund coordinator, who uses an innovative internet loan
         fund-management system. Our funds are based on a revolving collateral pool: each loan paid off allows the granting
         of a new loan.
         The Jewish Agency Loan Funds enjoy an exceptionally high pay-back rate of 98 percent. As part of the application
         process, the Loan Fund committee (a public board) interviews the applicant and reviews his or her business plan. The
         committee is led by a well-connected volunteer chairperson with vast business experience.

         Since its inception, and through the end of 2015, The Jewish Agency has assisted about 1,450 businesses and created
         about 7,000 jobs. So far, our loan beneficiaries have received a total of nearly 240 million NIS in loans
         (more than $61.5 million).

 What are jewish agency loan funds?

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